Familiar Joy
When I'm traveling life with my Lord Jesus, I can truly enjoy the comfort of the familiar plus the daily adventures He plans.

Life's Suitcase
My Lord Jesus assures me that He is more than happy to carry the loads in my life. Especially my guilt and sorrows.

Holding Together
If we only look to each other, we've left out the one true source of the cement, the glue that will hold us together. It's our Lord Jesus!

Being Valued
“Did you tell her we’re here? We had an appointment for 11:00 a. m. and we’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.” “She’s with someone else...

Fears and Stays
“So Ryan, did you hear the part I just played? It’s really important that this comes through. It’s one of the main songs in the musical,...

Beside Yourself
“He’s wheezing when he’s crying! It sounds like he’s punctured a lung! What if he broke a rib and it’s sticking into his lung?” I was...

“Look at that road sign for the next exit. Iota! Why would you name a town that? A speck? A tiny bit? Don’t they have any feelings of...