Avoid or Embrace?
Oh no. Another call from the school. Jacob isn’t feeling well… for the fourth day in a row. I knew what was going on. We’d been in...

Compliments or Flattery?
“Let’s clap for Mom for a wonderful meal!” Our youngest, just a baby in the high chair, joined his older siblings for an enthusiastic...

Fears and Stays
“So Ryan, did you hear the part I just played? It’s really important that this comes through. It’s one of the main songs in the musical,...

Beside Yourself
“He’s wheezing when he’s crying! It sounds like he’s punctured a lung! What if he broke a rib and it’s sticking into his lung?” I was...

“Look at that road sign for the next exit. Iota! Why would you name a town that? A speck? A tiny bit? Don’t they have any feelings of...

What's in a Name?
"If you call me at the restaurant and you don't hear anything when someone picks up the phone, just start talking. It's me." When I was...

Commending to Jesus
“Pastor, I’m just about to buy a newspaper up north. I’ve done all the due diligence and checked out the financials. I need you to pray...

Are You Ready Yet?
“Ready? Go!” I started typing as fast as I could, hoping I wasn’t leaving a trail of errors on the page. How much pressure can they add?...

The Thrill of Seeking Joy
“Aimez-vous la luge?” I asked our young student from France. His wide eyes grew even larger. “No! No! No!” Obviously my search for...