Credibility and Worth
“Why don’t you help that little girl over there?” I looked around the appliance store, wondering what “little girl” the salesman was...
Buoys and Leadership
“Just circle around like you always do so I can drop a ski.” My dad shouted back: “I can’t swing the boat over there anymore because of...
Real or Fake?
“And when you enter, you will see in the stone the actual footprint of Jesus where He lifted from the earth when He ascended into...
He Is Alive!
Thunk! Oh no, not another one. The children and I rushed outside to check the fate of the latest bird to crash into our window. There it...
Beside Yourself
“He’s wheezing when he’s crying! It sounds like he’s punctured a lung! What if he broke a rib and it’s sticking into his lung?” I was...
Jesus Makes It Easy!
Whoosh! There he goes again. We barely made it crossing in front of that semi! Why are you making this so hard? We don’t have to keep...
Just a Little Talk with Jesus
“So do you think they should have traded him or just let him run out his contract?” “I don’t know. I don’t care for their manager. He...
Take the Fear Out of Failing!
“Another ‘F’? That’s the third quiz I’ve failed! I can’t fail Shakespeare in my final semester!” But the professor’s warning sounded...
Blots and Stains
“Now if you’re really careful, I’ll let you address the Christmas card envelopes. Just be sure you write smoothly so you don’t leave any...
“Where’s my purse? I thought I put it in the back seat when I strapped the kids in, but it’s not here!” Our family had been taking a...