Types and Factions
“And here fresh from her performance in Dark of the Moon is our own Christine, type cast as the “Dark Witch!” A burst of laughter erupted...
Being Impulsive with God's Love!
“I’ll do it!” My husband, after our many years of marriage, wasn’t all that surprised I had volunteered to be the “weather reporter” on...
Pour it out! Pour it on!
“Eww! What’s with the sour milk? It’s not even the due date yet! Pour it down the drain and then run some water for awhile so the smell...
God's Touch
“Please don’t touch!” I snatched my hand back as if the ice-glass sculpture had turned to fire. Dale Chihuly's glass creations invite the...
Energized Contentment
“So you take one of these trays of metal plates and tip them into the feeding channel. Start the machine and you’re ready to go!” I was...